Brand new model train cars might ruin the overall effect of the train tracks. Trains that look like they've been out on the job for years look more realistic. Watch this hobby how-to video and learn ...
For a more authentic look for model trains, brand spanking new train cars can be weathered to create the effect of having been in use for ages. When was the last time you saw a brand new train in rea ...
To build a model airplanes, you're going to need to know how to solder. Any electronics specifically cannot be crimped, but have to be soft soldered. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to soft ...
RC Car Action Magazine Editor Kevin Hetmanski shows how to properly solder brass tubing to make custom bumpers, chasis, roll cages and more. Once you know how to do this, you can do any sort of custo ...
RC Car Action Magazine Editor Paul Onorato shows you how to anchor an antenna tube to keep it from falling out. A piece of fuel tubing will solidly affix the antenna to the chassis of the remote cont ...
Okay, you've got all of your feed wires set up on your model railway track, now what? Ballasting. Check out this video tutorial to see how to ballast your model railroad track.You are going to need ...
If you're at the point where you need to start ballasting your model railroad track, then you might want to check out this video tutorial on wiring. Learn how to wire your model railroad track.So, se ...
Need to secure your track to the road bed for your model railroad? Well, this video tutorial will show you how to do it, not to mention show you how to weather your flex track.If you're into model ra ...
Need a new hobby? How about railroad modeling? You can turn a full sized train and rail transport into a scaled model for you to enjoy. Model railroading is a hobby that requires attention to detai ...